Sunday, February 28, 2010

Psycho reaction

Psycho, directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring Janet Leigh is the definitive horror film. It's tense music and atmosphere was something new when this movie came out in 1960. Audiences were frightened by the film and it has left a mark in the history of cinema. A genre of followers has spawned, with generic teenage horror movies trying to emulate Hitcock's original work. I actually enjoyed the movie. While some scenes were more comical than anything (the private detective falling down the stairs), I can surely see how this scared people in the 60's. They weren't accustomed to movies such as this and therefore were far easier to scare. I found it slightly erie myself, with the hotel owner's psychotic behavior. The acting was very good for a movie of this type - the characters were all believable and I was easily drawn into the story. My only gripe with this movie would be the scene beginning where Marion leaves with the money and ending when she trades out her car. To me, the acting here isn't quite as believable and the storyline doesn't flow as well. Perhaps Hitchcock could have given more of an explanation as to why she was such a nervous wreck - I hadn't realized she was stealing the money until she used it to purchase a car. In the end, though, everything came together to make a great movie. It's a classic that will always be remembered as the first major horror film and for that I give it credit.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. This movie is a good horror movie for the 1960s.
